lundi 4 janvier 2016

Types of classical music

Music has proven over time that it is food for the soul, mind and heart and feeling beautiful but gorgeous
When crossing the music as you.

Whenever the expression tongue here intervene music. Upscale musicals



Music perception of space and time and event in a way that is fresh,

Open the horizons of the mind,

And your heart,

And rise in spirit,

These are some of the vocabulary. In music, especially classical ones..


Concerto music templates and months closest to the hearts of listeners for that mold music containing more than other embodiment of dialogue and drama and the search for the truth assuming thing and its opposite

And Concerto as we know from the work of geniuses of classical music composition is a great job for a single machine with the full orchestra.

This machine President role in dialogue with the full orchestra for the Concerto written mainly to highlight the individual machine, Concerto for piano or violin or other with the Orchestra, when God reviews the potential maximum capacity by the masterful guitarist fluent performance all but write whatever difficult machine. And the Concerto is also praise for the soloist, which Livni in hard training and study long avenue to reach the level of performance required and called like this artist artist virtiozo which very dexterous, sometimes called solist and sometimes konsrtst
The word originally meant Concerto playing together or make music participates in a number of performance musicians

The sonnet is linked in the minds of music fans as the classic greats works in the second half of the eighteenth century, particularly Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven

He wrote all of these geniuses large number of masterpieces of music in sonnet template but this template is great has been a long history of evolution to a form that is linked to our minds

The word Sonata derives from Latin and its origin of sonar which hears or strums and sings and has stuck label tracks playing musical instruments in Exchange for a second quality had sings in the human voice and called the cantata and the sonnet have evolved to become the most important musical templates at all are template contains presentation and interaction and offer and conclusion

And that includes dialogue and drama between lodges and tunes and molecules interact and study and so became the first movement both in Symphony and Concerto and Quartet WITRI and other great works of music such as opening and other forms of Chamber Music trio, Quartet, Quintet, Sextet and became the type of template that sonnet.


Opening one of the templates are important and music to audiences at the same time they are relatively short in length piece on average between four and ten minutes, it is write full orchestra with all the possibilities of the orchestral coloring it one quick movement, mostly active and glamorous preliminary expressive and has undergone a long history of evolution and appeared linked to the Opera and theatre


A large band of full orchestra and divided normally into four episodes or parts and extends the length of time between half an hour and three quarters hour they revolve around the nature of his standings one each other work on the Symphony said for example Symphony Loco re menor to Schumann
And each part of the Symphony in its speed and its general character so that this diversification of enrichment of musical expression and attractive to the listener and a review of potential authors.

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