lundi 4 janvier 2016

Loud music

All the human body systems and organs and members, and even tissues and cells and atoms of operating under the influence of a certain rhythm, and that rhythm closer to nature and instinct (rhythm that God created humans to become part of a natural instinct sound visiologith) was more harmonious and balanced, which affects human health, body and mind and spirit.
When the human subject, whether his or obliged, to the rhythm of the inconsistent and do not mesh with the normal rhythm of the human body, this constitutes a strain and effort and strain on the body.
If these tunes as well as noisy (loud music), the negative impacts are more and more, and this is confirmed by modern research. Says Professor clinical psychology Bart bilngs "that long-term exposure and excessively to loud music (especially low frequencies and high intensity, such as Heavy Metal music), not just harmful to health, but this music cause complications can lead to death.". Die? I do.. Death!
Which occurs while listening to loud music is that the tunes are not congruent with human beings wevisiologith natural vibrations and loud high frequency penetrates the human body and to each Member of the internal organs, penetrating into every cell of cells, the body receives it as a threat, it secretes hormones such as secreted by the body before entering any fight or war in preparation for the attack or to escape-like adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormone)-rising blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, all good hormones that secrete when needed (such as entering the fray Or war, as it pushes blood to the limbs fighting or attack and increase the pumping of blood and oxygen to support the body during the fight), and helps blood clots by increasing its density (HDL cholesterol) even if injured during fight it doesn't bleed to death. But this is only good when the human needs in the fray, doesn't offer the body hours throughout the day.
Loud music to penetrate the body and penetration for each cell, lead to damage at the level of every cell in the body similar to damage a bomb explosion nearby, and reception by the body as a form of pain increases the secretion of hormones palliative, which work completely and concomitant drug of Ecstasy and pleasure and delight, and so begins the circle, and this was confirmed by Dr. William Glasser in writing (positive addiction), and this explains the adolescent addiction to loud music and listen to it for hours a day.
The damage caused by loud music with many body and dangerous, start with the most obvious one is hearing loss forever due to destruction of small hairs in the inner ear (cochlea), responsible for sending sound as electrical signals to the brain to turn it into a sound that we know, and the IPL when damaged it beyond repair, and listening to loud music can lead to tinnitus and is ringing and oscillations hear person permanently in one or both ears or in the head.
Proved by researchers from Germany and Japan of serious damage to the nervous system as a result of listening to long periods of loud music, and between psychologist Henk taismn of the University of monstrgi in Germany damage loud music on neurons of the auditory cortex of the brain, as well as the increased secretion of cortisol for long periods leading to damage such as loss of memory, showed one of the studies conducted in Germany that memory is weakened by between 15% and 60% among lovers of loud music. In another study on 600 people not listen to loud music (from 16 to 27 years) found that only 4% suffered loss of memory, compared with counterparts who are addicted to loud music who were losing the memory of 21%.

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