lundi 4 janvier 2016

Andalusian music

Constitutes the coexistence of the three monotheistic religions of the Andalusian society under Muslim rule optimization model no ltham human elements that was the strength of this community we believe that knowledge of Andalusian culture-all the components ideological, intellectual and artistic-can help prepare the way to establish constructive dialogue between cultures, as we believe that in today's human society and sought to benefit from the Andalusian model as to publish reasons for peace and security of a world threatened by terrorism and violence, and overwhelm it blatant discrimination and disparities outrageous And music-nature-of cultural and artistic phenomenon capable of creating an atmosphere of coexistence between civilizations and cross-fertilization of human societies are however multiple t races varied beliefs.

Andalucía was formed by Islamic Arab rule space optimized for pure musical knowledge read and mixing practices and musical traditions, leading to excretion of innovative artistic styles marked by originality and regeneration flow engaged in creativity and develop other human elements which tsakent Andalusia, Arabs, Berbera and wekota Negroes and the Slavs

Suggests continuing musical cultures and knowledge between these elements of a society still-even today-constitutes an optimal model of society in a spirit of tolerance.

These aspects reflect tolerance of Andalusian musical heritage holds data and technical ingredients to multiple origins, and at the same time stresses the cosmic dimension of this heritage which goes beyond area that

He grew up and where broad humanitarian aliavak greener represented by Andalusian society with diverse assets.

And I've marked Islamic rule in Al-Andalus in tolerance waltsah and spreading good and righteousness of Christians governed peoples, leaving them full freedom to stay on d as long as choosing the recourse to other religions and surveyed braait and protect it, as only including rights aliakhtlav strata and different persuasions.

It was the Christians of Al-Andalus under the not-mtiazat-enjoy the right to a dignified life, the oldest of them to convert to Islam voluntarily not unwillingly, and hacked in society seriously, learned Arabic language and got a full prohibition of culture, it is no longer surprising to many different should be including the sciences and arts.

And also very Christian of Spanish Arabists in conditions Moslems within them a decent living, some Kings and Princes palaces lofty positions, not to mention the Slav population who were in the reign of Abd al-Rahman Al-Nasser ranks high in the administration of the King, some are becoming taifa ruled the Emirate of Valencia in fifth century migration.

And these were not Arabists-categories-find Wen any awkward advertising assets, even seen abaaamrahamd Ibn gharsih – and is seen by his extensive mastery of Arabic-language reins records for:

Pray also learned but my tongue of shaban (1)

Generally, the conquerors-Arabs Berbera-since settled their judgement until they left Andalusia of course, harshness and roughness of nomadism, dispersed their morals and you print, and are more inclined to fun and luxury, and a tendency to enjoy that life, and became a high level of common sense and good ear HH taste, celebrate poets and musicians, dote upon them gifts.

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