mercredi 18 novembre 2015

What is the origin of the word music

Word music dating Word music (Music) in origin to the Hellenes; where this word launches the entire arts and knowledge, but it took this specialized meaning, Word music itself was later known, music is the language of the world, as they say, this language is the language unique is not telling but feels, is the language of the heart and continuing language holds in moments of silence are thinner, and hence the ability of wonderful music to modify mood. Music also may not carry at all times a fresh feelings and thin, but they reflect the feelings of the author, may also carry feelings may disturb the listener, and are a means of expression, first and last, are commensurate with the mental state that passes its human, and everyone who wants to study how the volatility of real music resorting to film music, the music always fluctuate with volatile personalities, may be the most accurate description of descriptions of the human condition and the emotional changes and fluctuations throughout the day; Music may carry happiness or sadness or excitement or national, may have feelings that endure the kind that cannot be described.

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