mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Music therapy

Music therapy is the use of music therapy in physical and mental ailments and emotional. Many problems including: depression, high blood pressure, migraine and chest sensitive walsadkaa ulcers and physical illnesses treated area steadily music generally, layer problem determines the shape of alalad, and after health problems playing musical pieces for the person who handles. The other examples, people share rhythmic teams effectively mogmoaat lyric and musical collective or individual lessons or soundtrack for physical activities showed music it possesses the capabilities of different treatment when playing for individuals or groups who suffer from mental or emotional problems or problems associated with the pressures of life, music can reduce stress and strain limit name when working with persons who have discontinued their sight the music composition is simplified perception auditory as part of natural alalad the music used to stimulate or regulate traffic. Also as a means of physical therapy, the use of musical instruments has been recruited to psychological usefulness, such as greater confidence in the self and its usefulness as a natural tonic for the muscles of the mouth and lips. That music is not the only type of voices that achieve therapeutic benefit for many years, the sounds of nature-the sound of the stream, The fall of water or bird-vocals were used by physiotherapists and psychologists as a means of treatment that anyone can get the feature ability of music and other sounds on events of relaxation with or without medical guidance. The soft music sounds kind alone or with relaxing systems can effectively reduce stress and achieve a positive mood research confirms that these sounds increases the production of alndorvin and is a pain killer and it can help control alialalm

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