mardi 5 janvier 2016

The music language of the peoples

No different than two on the music emotional and cultural understanding language among peoples of all universe, and cannot imagine a universe in which God Almighty has organized and accurate in everything without voices emanating from all creatures regardless of, person, or animal, or wind, or water, or birds, and every creature issued from the sound of the universe, and there are language understanding and bond. And also mocked Allah almighty universe with regular rhythm, move the earth ring, Sunrise and sunset, and many examples, representing a steady rhythm. In the human heartbeat regular natural balance within the human body. And the music is rhythm or weight balance that works to regulate the melody or musical work for different types of weights, and is called the unit the Quartet and bilateral, trilateral, example: [4/4, 2/4, 3/4].

And human evolution, he pioneered auto sounds originate regularly shaped melody, help relax and reduce suffering in his effort for heavy work and routines and music types, including:-

Classical music:

A kind of musical compositions feature expression, rhythm does not have the role of rowdy, but music expresses itself in a regular rhythm of the melody itself, using the following instruments: stringed, wind, drums, wood machines, Guida (Concerto, Sonata and small melodic pieces).

Military music:

They belonged to the regular armed forces: the army and the police, and used the writings of this kind of music to breathe the spirit of strength and pride and discipline personnel, use of the following instruments: (brass instruments, drums and wooden machines nearby).

Modern music:

This is the kind of sentimental songs, music and dance music that relies on loud tunes, usually using the following instruments: (electric organ, electric guitar, brass and rhythm machines) and is most common in the music world, because they speak to the conscience of human beings in General, with different tastes and ages and their environment.

Folk music (folk):

This type represents the heritage authors belonging to the particular environment, vary from one country to another, using simplified machines, usually from the same environment, and popular melodies and instruments that are used are: drums, flutes, and other homemade machines, vary from one country to another.

The choral music:

Depend mainly on human voices, an alternative to machines, with different voices. Human voices are divided into several types:


All of these sounds has potential in terms of audio, the surveyor and ruggedness, and called this the choral groups.

Musical instruments and their names

Music machine is any tool manufactured or modified for the purpose of making music, in principle, any issue can be voice controlled by the bassist can as a musical instrument the ancient man by converting some substances existing in nature to tools to generate musical sounds they had transferred the bones to set off after the holes and making various drums from some tree trunks were primitive musical man stone ages serve multiple purposes such as events sounds and noise and to pre-empt some natural phenomena That scared them human.

Circadian machinery: audio issued through roads or beaten and example TomTom tambourine and Bell.
Stringed instruments: the issued sound through the vibration of the strings are on the machine and example lute and guitar.
Pneumatic moulding machines: audio issued by bloating and example flute and trumpet.
Keyboard machines: the machines that issued the sound by pressing or on keyboard accessories & parts exist on the machine where each key to a different voice and example piano

Moosa of poetic values

Melissa said: "the hair thing simmering by us, throw him on our tongues" and he decides that poetry is the expression of emotion and the depiction of the passion. Ibn khaldoon said: "poetry is speech based on metaphor and descriptions detailed parts are consistent in weight and Ellroy." and many scientists have Arafa Arabic that weighted rhymed speech intentionally by weight.
The relationship of music to poetry:
To find the elements of poetry and its properties is closely linked to many sciences such as grammar, rhetoric and literary studies and others, but which concerns us here is music which cannot be adjusted except by knowing the Prosody and rhyme, this is music or music phenomenon, weights on which poems where bad rhythm creates a sense and a tune that tlzeh ears, strong connection between poetry and music for both performance-based sound, music is an essential element in poetry you Where the denominator of the colors in the image, check his creativity and influence until it was said (poetry of music ideas) and critical difference between music, poetry and prose.

A kind of poetic music:

-Music: is weight and rhyme. A technical framework which embodies the experience of the poet of nature agree sadness and joy.
-Definition of poetic weight: is the set of activations called sea. And seas poetry sixteen placed farahidi "organized and Al akhfach.
-Definition of rhyme in poetry: the last word and movement. And has occupied an important place in poetry even attributed poems to her rhymes like: verbal Shanfari and x-ray buhturi.

1. clear inner music: is that we can put our hands on some form of charitable causes the rhetorical as alliteration and counterpoint. or through coherence between words and letters.
2. internal hidden music: is her misfortune with honors from Joe suited emotionally poet and the type of experience in the sense that you feel after reading text from the poet emotionally comfortable stating whether grief or joy.
And the poet's personality and distinguishes it from others.
Flag offers
Aware of the assets identified in which the hair scales distinguish poetry from other as assonance, and keep the border separating the seas, its true weight know Arabic poetry from corrupt.
The talented poet can organize poetry without Prosody, familiar but it improves that takes him as much as he needs even exempt his poetic talent from out on unusual.
The foot: vo resembles music section not to link an end to end call.
His Prosody: Hebron bin Ahmad Al-farahidi "organized. He died in Basra (170). And may confine hair fifteen weights weight named searches hair then adding pupil Al akhfach sea post called the set right.

Music jaz

What started the first jazz almost in the middle of the 19th century, in New Orleans on the river almssibi, where they contain that city at that time was a mixture of Spanish and English immigrants, and French are both masters layer where each number possesses wealth of slaves who recruiters in all businesses and especially agriculture.

The historical circumstances and political and social which coincided with the abolition of slavery, slavery in 1863 and the end of the American civil war in 1865, on the other hand, black slaves found themselves free to New Orleans where Warcraft night and dance halls like the European waltz and polka dotted all over the city, especially Rampart Street. And thus began the European music slowly mixes with the rhythms and tunes that kept blacks and have been passed down generation after generation they chant while working in the cotton fields and during their chatting in Congo square, and Negroes are preparing these rhythms through making huge drums called Tam Tam or bambolas. And that mixed African tunes also tunes they learned in the Catholic Church and Protestant with cries of torment of slavery and the sad spirit expressions affected by pagan music and European music that was prevalent at the time.
After the end of the civil war and the emancipation of slaves, Negroes turned newlywed freedom around and found a large number of machines brass scattered here and there are remnants of war left by teams of military music, collected and had tried to blow them trying to playing those tunes and almarshat or playing any tone graduated them automatically. And so natural and intuitive

The large jazz bands, and it was a lot of movement from place to place, the piano did not enter into the composition of these teams only around 1920. Since the beginning of the twentieth century took the jazz advance form stumbled forward. Initially, try some eggs have their own teams playing Jazz that they record her with notes, but did not become a success, because the Negro spirit glaring character was mostly Jazz time lacked. But white musicians did not lose hope and then worked on the development of a new type of jazz atalik named Dixie land, gradually spread throughout the United States, thanks to movies and CDs until the second world war. At this time and during the first world war led the jazz moved from New Orleans to Chicago, which contains more cans, bars and clubs at night, It also spread Jazz time over at the mandate such as Baltimore, Washington and New York and Boston, and in each city jazz bands were trying to include musicians from the city of New Orleans that were considered the Institute months playlists and their dower in improvisation.
Serious Jazz
And in this time the jazz teams consisting of seven or eight musicians, and then appeared in the New York and Harlem specifically, Fletcher Henderson and Duke Ellington and was paying musicians studying and doubling the number of playlists in dispersed and wrote a musical for both pianist and diminished intervals improvisation that was characteristic of jazz and opened this kind of jazz music. This innovation has encountered much success and it increased turnout in New York hotels and nightclubs and even concerts that were held by the universities and schools in various occasions. And this success encouraged a lot of teams that went the same way, and back in the 1930s the number of white musicians skilled graduates from the Conservatory such as Tommy Dorsey and his brother Lenny Goodman, and achieved this kind of jazz and a lot of success due to the emergence of several alrdaio stations and recording world.

All about bale piano

The piano is a machine with keys voice is released through keys turning on strings and metal Word piano Italian it means Lynn or thinning and the piano is similar to law (Oriental music) of each clef caused vibration three-stringed tauter on the same frequency, with some historians of music, as the Lebanese Egyptian musician Selim Sahab, that piano is the evolution of the law. Made for expensive pianos from elephant ivory.

:: Origins:: piano

Piano in Europe arose as a result of the development of machine alharbsikord in 1709 and is considered piano machine music composer in the 18th century and 19th centuries and has been used in composing music tracks by many music celebrities the likes of Mozart and Beethoven and Chopin and Rachmaninov, and also the piano used in orchestras or jazz as used as accompaniment for a violin or other instruments could be playing individually.

:: Piano::

* Piano-based.
* Grand Piano (lavish).
* E-piano (electric).

These three species differ in terms of size and installed, as they are used for different purposes. But different size lots shows frequent use: halls, houses, partying.
For piano 88 key, these keys are connected to hammers and when pressing the key, push the hammer which in turn hit the strings and the sound.

:: Most important authors for piano:

Frédéric Chopin, Franz, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Sergei Rachmaninoff and others.

The evolution of music through the years

For music (or "music"), is the art of the hangouts of sounds and silence over a period of time. Audio properties that describe the music are pitch (pitch-including melody and harmonic harmony), rhythm (including balance), audio quality for both the Bell tone (timbre), decoration (articulation), vital (dynamics), sweetness (texture).
Scientists believe the history of musical life that the word was originally Greek music. The former has meant the Arts generally but later became the calling language tunes only. The term has been defined as the art of music tunes and is organizing searches melodies and relations between them and the rhythms and weights. Music art looking nature tones in terms of agreement and discord.
Music creation and functioning and even defined origin vary depending on cultural and social context. She is played by different machines: (human voice, claps) and Woodwinds (flute, whistle) and odd (such as: Oud, guitar, violin), electronic (keyboards). Musical performances vary between music organization strongly at times, the music is free but restricted by regulations.

Musical characters
Music includes not only playing but also the Pumpkins on drums and music alhermonika. Ballet music is also due to the quiet movements that suggest it silent music.
1. evolution of Arabic music

Authentic Arabic music rooted in thousands of years preceding the birth and was thought when many researchers that Arabic music originally Greek or Persian, they start her history of pre-Islamic era where Greek and Persian civilizations were at the height of. However, the progress of Archaeology in modern times and revelations have illuminated the way for excavations history, music, and other ideas to see the gradient in the world radically. As it turns out that Arabic music does not return to that era called the pre-Islamic era, but due to much further. There is in the Arab world with more than three thousand years b.c. while raising Star General history of face time on the banks of the Nile people enjoy music city mature and machinery which exceeded the role of evolution appeared fully complete both percussion or inflatable or stringed instruments.
And while the Egyptian people sends its songs on the beach at Indigo plateau on the banks happy, Mesopotamia and around civilians high musical outpouring is a debt of Babylon and Assyria, which included inter alia the Canaanites and Phoenicians peoples walhithein.
And that the debtor meets lush and darken even included the West Asia and North Africa. These people remained in close contact lasting together making history recorded her concert uniform civilization and diversified in forms and in many dialects, so to find it became the practice to be in King of Egypt since starting tiles modern State where dynasty 18 two concerts, one of the sons of Egypt and the other sons of Asia as we see in the confusion they putrefy Egyptian singer also is working on deploying Egyptian civilization in Syria through singing. And then we see close in response to various music areas where mixing, technical exchanges and rapprochement between the peoples of this country.
Then stretch and widen the area from time to time we hear from the Persian city, East and West Greek city welcome. And is that all these musics interacting interdependence of the convicted ex-neighbor, the invasion and the exchange of scientists, artists, and slaves and aeronautical engineering. And affect each other, depending on the surrounding conditions and controlled conditions and move songs and musical instrument themselves up to form of diversity and different colors for an artistic unit, history records that fact, says herdot of Greek he heard Egypt songs songs later became songs popular in Greece.
As for the musical that was present in the pre-Islamic era are distributed between the percussion (drum and tambourine and castanets walglagl) and Woodwinds (Oboe types) as well as tell us about the presence of Al-Farabi string machines in pre-Islamic times and consists of Mandolins and lute and Al mizhar (Oud is the face of the skin) tensioner walbrbet (Persian Oud). [1]
Manufacturing art melody and tunes were affected since the advent of Islam in Egyptian and Persian music woaltrkih it is involved with Oriental music, in principle, closely related to the genus rhythm weighted and ancient Arabs were the first to astbet strong races in Melody arrangements.
Farabi has authored great music which contained the principles and rules which follow music musicians approach the Arabs till this day.
Maqam music are the basis and the melodic Saira Arabic music is characterized by layered acoustic instruments playing and does not include rhythm and was the first appearance of poetry in Andalusia which was adaurh connected to the melody and rhythm of music has evolved in the Andalusian environment through the emergence of distinct musicians like ziryab, adding the fifth chord.
Influenced by Arabic music with Western music since the mid-20th century and the advent of distinguished musicians such as Sayed Darwish and Mohammed Abdel Wahab and Riad El sonbaty and Farid Al-Atrash and Mohamed Fawzy and brothers Rahbani and others there were also influenced by Arabic music in the altsianiat period where mixed tunes between East and West is.
2. the evolution of music in Europe

The roots of music in Europe to the year 500 a.d. where it started in the Church hymns and then evolved into the alrinasens era music since the beginning of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the so-called Art Nouveau phase picking music tags arrived to a great degree of progress and music with melodies to a considerable degree of unprecedented complexity.
And during the late fifteenth century appeared the school albergndih led by William dovai school upscale Ginnie a

Turkish music

Not Turkish music, in addition to singing and throats, wierd ear Arabic for two main reasons in kinship and history: first, because of their geographical origin altorani from Central Asia, and secondly, the common culture with elements of religious, historical and social.

And we know that common cultural boat between Turkish and Arabic music, and if progress on the Turkish Arabic since the mid 1970s novelty with big names such as Zeki Muren, Orhan gngbi China hope as well as older composers such as: Ismail m. Shaheen, safety Khalil kardoman.

The music school has Turkish evolution and classification of educational institutions and heritage schools singing and melodic trends and colors sing and templates, styles and playing as well as the development of a culture of a listener through the Turkish resolve forms of singing and musical schooling and culture representing the identity and Turkish culture.

This is not only through the great Renaissance by Kemal Ataturk in the end continued time in line and the emergence of the Ottoman State concept and the theory of the new Nations country in national history, culture and race, although cross-cultural communication exist in many fields and areas, the chapter was on the political side as well as the Arabic States.

We must know the relationship between music and Arabic civilisation centres of Istanbul during the Ottoman centuries in the Arab world were able to digest all kinds of music if the Turkish music music service beyond Mesopotamia as Iranian music, Balkan and Armenian and Kurdish, they started from the same school altoranih assets such as Kurdish and Armenian music and then she tasted in Byzantine music, Arabic, but formed an independent personality and was able to save itself in the selectors handed music and performance techniques and methods for playing related profile Turkish nationalism.

Their music has influenced many Turkish musicians like Arabs: Iraq Osman Musli Mohiuddin Haider also in Egypt Mahmoud subeh, Muhamad, in Tunisia there were affected. In the wave of developments in technology and machinery for new musicians eyes went during the middle of the twentieth century in European and American singing school, but returned to the East, and go to the other is trying to discover for oneself over the angle of psychological and behavioural, social and historical.