mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Music therapy

Music therapy is the use of music therapy in physical and mental ailments and emotional. Many problems including: depression, high blood pressure, migraine and chest sensitive walsadkaa ulcers and physical illnesses treated area steadily music generally, layer problem determines the shape of alalad, and after health problems playing musical pieces for the person who handles. The other examples, people share rhythmic teams effectively mogmoaat lyric and musical collective or individual lessons or soundtrack for physical activities showed music it possesses the capabilities of different treatment when playing for individuals or groups who suffer from mental or emotional problems or problems associated with the pressures of life, music can reduce stress and strain limit name when working with persons who have discontinued their sight the music composition is simplified perception auditory as part of natural alalad the music used to stimulate or regulate traffic. Also as a means of physical therapy, the use of musical instruments has been recruited to psychological usefulness, such as greater confidence in the self and its usefulness as a natural tonic for the muscles of the mouth and lips. That music is not the only type of voices that achieve therapeutic benefit for many years, the sounds of nature-the sound of the stream, The fall of water or bird-vocals were used by physiotherapists and psychologists as a means of treatment that anyone can get the feature ability of music and other sounds on events of relaxation with or without medical guidance. The soft music sounds kind alone or with relaxing systems can effectively reduce stress and achieve a positive mood research confirms that these sounds increases the production of alndorvin and is a pain killer and it can help control alialalm

Beautiful music

Music is the language of the people, and that common to all their cultures and races, and vocabulary words United ringtone in a creative way for Omri that the best definition of man after he fell in oblivion define "human animal talking" after the competitors appeared to him in the other objects to pronounce as, for example, says Parrot there are instances of dogs and cats and other they taught her to speak human words, after falling definition that man is an animal or Baki laughing because competition objects with laughter and crying together The best definition of man has joined together for other objects until the moment is to say: human animal music, no object on Earth until this moment not human can compose a melody and play him, taste him simultaneously. What is the most beautiful music? : Are affecting the endocardium of the mind and heart and soul at the same time, those music which expresses anger upon anger, revealing the love and feelings, feelings and colours and details of Emma disclosure, are those that express all human attitudes and emotions tones fit position shown in clearest manifestations, it's music that makes you dance or cry or think or meshes or smile or tears your eyes at discos. But as the relative definition of many titles, music falling under this relative balance in alzaekih and impressive, like some of the music does not appeal to others and what touches some hearts which touches the hearts of other people, and because of this difference or diversity in Government due to differences in customs, traditions and cultures and awareness and open-mindedness from one individual to another. Most people know the aesthetics of music, that it enriches his sample music and looped through via new worlds and perspectives. The most beautiful music is not music is most prevalent among the people, how much more bearish music find her promotion at a wide range of people while there's great music with melodies and beauty find that limited spread between people, there is a pretty great music have widespread when all of the people, but who doesn't love hearing strange as an exceptional case among others. The most beautiful music become a hereditary heritage with days and found in the heritage of peoples for their beauty and their uniqueness and added to a new melody and new style. And that beautiful music are those that would disagree if two cultures converge, or opened up to each other, and increased awareness and understanding of culture and taste of everyone, then you will see that much of what is beautiful and still submerged and buried will spread like wildfire and you'll find that everything is bad and widespread ill temper at the end. The most beautiful song may have more than one meaning may be the most beautiful words, beautiful melody or beautiful can be expressed sincere vocals and may be combined for everyone taste that sets it apart in the selection and pick the songs, them goes towards romance and passionate and others prefer national and other religious and so people could take an artist as a symbol and all of his songs instead of another singer and so if what varied tastes of Bart goods and this is the case then every artist seeks to offer the most beautiful song to be witnesses Him along his life as music does exist as a symbol and an example of the song be as symbol and indication of singers coming and keep the legacy inherited by generations do beauty singing old and their meanings, or talking and their evolution?

What is called the Cantor

In music there is a commander called Maestro (Maestro or Conductor), this art is one of the most important musical arts, where he directed the Maestro band by hand movements and gestures, and first and last on the consistency and harmony music between band members, so that it automatically adjusts the rhythm between playlists. Developed functioning music leader, initially was leader music exercised its task in controlling the tempo and the unification of the melody through the work of some specific movements with his hands, where he was commander of the music in the Church, it later developed, had entered the stick, where he became the Maestro uses a stick in a set of rhythm. Cantor called as noted the name "Maestro", and the word Maestro Italian origin, which means teacher or master, but the important thing to be noted is that the Maestro exists in Western classical music in addition to Opera, as teams can give non-title of leaders of bands, from the likes of prominent composers, but there are those who say that the Maestro in Arabic music is only for decoration only, and no justification to this music that is playing on the machine Slavery is the Maestro, which refers to the rest of the musicians start, follow this opinion has shown that in concerts that were provided by Umm Kalthoum wasn't there anyone driving the band, along with many other artists. Either in Western music, the nature of the musical need someone driven by working on fine-tuning. Opponents of this view have claimed that Umm kulthum and others were the basis of the band, either in the modern Arabic music there are many supplies that require the presence of the Maestro. Share article

Music composer

  The composer is his Special specifications, because the output of feelings and converted to audibly and transported to the heart is very difficult and not all people have this ability, and from here emerged figured the greatness of musicians both creators Arabs or others such as Beethoven, Mozart, and Mohamed Abdelwahab, Naseer shamma, Marcel Khalife, Chopin, wevivaldi, and other many illustrious names, all of these are really people high style because they were able to express their feelings in different ways. Not music days will be days of a luxury or extravagance, but is always a means of expressing human emotions, and a sign of sophistication and creativity.

What is the origin of the word music

Word music dating Word music (Music) in origin to the Hellenes; where this word launches the entire arts and knowledge, but it took this specialized meaning, Word music itself was later known, music is the language of the world, as they say, this language is the language unique is not telling but feels, is the language of the heart and continuing language holds in moments of silence are thinner, and hence the ability of wonderful music to modify mood. Music also may not carry at all times a fresh feelings and thin, but they reflect the feelings of the author, may also carry feelings may disturb the listener, and are a means of expression, first and last, are commensurate with the mental state that passes its human, and everyone who wants to study how the volatility of real music resorting to film music, the music always fluctuate with volatile personalities, may be the most accurate description of descriptions of the human condition and the emotional changes and fluctuations throughout the day; Music may carry happiness or sadness or excitement or national, may have feelings that endure the kind that cannot be described.

The effect of music in human lives

 Music expresses human emotions that cannot be expressed in words, it is an extension of the natural desire to express itself, an example of this is Beethoven's third, and his reply to Napoleon Bonaparte's ambitions with a stream of melodies, traverse about human emotions at the request of freedom, and its rejection of injustice, war and bloodshed. I managed to ancient civilizations in all of Greece, Egypt, China, and India, access to magic and the effect of music on, for they have used in religious rituals, as a means to transcendence and access to the degree of transparency. Either the music when devout person, develop more in-depth and altitudes, as stated in the book (spiritual listening in the Sufi tradition), to listen to music up to the State of spiritual ecstasy, and stressed the importance of modern psychology music guide the individual toward good behaviour. According to (Coetzee airkonr), and is known as one of the giants of Sufi composers in the modern era, the Sufi music is the source from which the Mystic draws important as earth does not know what will come out of them or in any moment will be as well, but it will not be the moment to pass, it must be present in the case of seed maturation and emerge, "man does not know what is the seed buried in the shades". It remains to mention that music was introduced in the list of treatment programs in many children's hospitals where the music to calm them down, maybe this idea came from mothers who sing to their children before bedtime, and considers music also effectively for patients with cancer and other diseases

The effect of music on human life

 Work on the musical vibrations affecting the nervous system, to the extent that these frequencies operate on numb nerve cells, encouraging a sense of relaxation and elimination of causes of pain. When you hear appropriate music, works of the flesh to natural antibiotics that strengthen the immune system, helping the body to overcome the disease, by enabling the brain secrete a chemical called (alandrovin), which is to reduce density concentrated in the brain, and thus reduce the feeling of pain.

The importance of music in human lives

  Music is considered the music world language only understood through hearing, without teaching or instruction, and is considered a core subject in the curricula of many schools around the world, for its importance in life and human health in particular, and the benefit to all sentient beings, in addition to the fun that we get them and leave them in self-defence by hear, they contribute to the self purification and refined. I've known a lot of geniuses and interested, and spoken eloquently described as granted, okay saying it for (Khalil Gibran): "daughter of silent features, the offspring of human psychological detecting emotions, conscious of the fact," he said as the language of souls, which lures the emotions, memory, and cautions stated that it was not only the language of emotions, but also a language for both understanding and thought. I knew the music in its importance and impact in many aspects of life, whether physical or psychological.